Exclusivity Khalifa Sall trial: The deliberation was not written by Judge Lamotte


This is an outrageous scandal in which you plunge your site RESEAUNEWS.COM. This is hardly a credible case and it concerns the trial of the deputy mayor of Dakar, Khalifa Abacar Sall. A case in which the main actors are Maguette Diop and Malick Lamotte judges.

After the surprise summons of the Attorney General of the Dakar Court of Appeals, Lansana Diaby, requesting the release of Khalifa Abacar Sall, the languages ​​begin to to untie in the midst of justice. And the least we can say is that some men in dress had big in the heart. They can no longer tolerate their trades being dragged into the mud by magistrates "breaking off" with ethics and deontology.

What you will discover is hardly credible. The story goes back to the very beginning of the case of the Caisse d'avance of the city of Dakar which earned the mayor of the capital to be in the bonds of detention. A very political trial of which the choice of the judge was very scrutinized by the political class and the public opinion

And the choice carried out on the judge Maguette Diop surprised more than one. Former judge-assessor at the Court of repression of illicit enrichment (Crei) who tried and sentenced former Minister of State Karim Wade to six years in prison and 138 billion fine, Judge Diop is not more to present

The judge of power

Very clivant, it is unanimous against him. Even within the judiciary. As evidence, former president of the Union of Magistrates of Senegal (UMS), he was beaten by judge Souleymane Telico, while he sought a second term. Known to be close to power, his colleagues inflicted a humiliation on him by preferring the President of the Correctional Chamber to the Court of Appeal of Thies, who won the election with 125 votes to 77 for the outgoing President, Maguette Diop and 41 for Marième Diop Gueye.

Despite the pots that he drags, it is to this judge of the seat and president of the Second Correctional Chamber of the Court of First Instance of Dakar of which he is the president, that the authorities had chosen to lead the trial of Khalifa Sall.

And soon it will turn out that Judge Diop is colluding with power. Indeed, in his column of December 13, 2017, Pape Alé Niang revealed that the magistrate had participated in a meeting at the Palace whose order was devoted to the Khalifa Sall affair. Following the publication of this chronicle, Judge Diop will be removed from the file that falls into the hands of Judge Malick Lamotte.

Maguette Diop writes the deliberate instead of Lamotte

It is the latter who will finally chair the trial. Except that towards the end of the judicial series, a fact not known to the general public intervened. In fact, Judge Malick Lamotte fell ill and was evacuated to a foreign country whose name we will not know. And this is where the tragedy is.

Sick, Judge Lamotte was unable to write the deliberation of the sentence of Khalifa Sall. According to a source from the Dakar court, instead of Lamotte, Judge Maguette Diop will draft the deliberation.

Moreover, the day of deliberation, many were surprised by the indigestible reading of deliberations by Justice Lamotte. He stumbled over the words, paused when necessary, giving the impression that he did not master the document he had in front of him. Well, that was the case, because the document in question was written by Judge Maguette Diop. The consequence of this "deal" was that people did not understand what he was reading.


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