Feeling defamed, Ablaye Sow claims 50 million to Haidar El Ali


Dirty weather for former Minister of the Environment Ali Haidar who appeared Tuesday, July 10, 2018 at the bar of the Criminal Court for defamation in the company of journalists Assane Guèye and Fabrice Ngéma for complicity in the said offense. The plaintiff, Ablaye Sow through his council claimed 50 million damages to the ecologist and the symbolic franc for the journalists. Deliberated July 24.

Former Environment Minister Haidar El Ali, better known as Ali Haidar and President of the Ablaye Sow Forest Harvesters Association, have settled at the bar of the Criminal Court in this defamation case. In addition to the principal defendant Ali Haidar, the journalists Assane Guèye of the Rfm and Fabrice Ngema of the Sen Tv also appeared for complicity of defamation.

Indeed, the latter respectively invited the ecologist in a program during which , he made the remarks deemed defamatory by the plaintiff. These broadcasts, as a reminder, were recorded after the killing of 13 people in the Boffa Bayote Forest. In these broadcasts, said Ousmane Thiam, counsel for the civil party, the intention to harm the reputation, honor and consideration of his client is obvious.

And, he wants proof of this Ali Haidar accuses his client of being "the biggest wood trafficker" during his face-to-face interview with Sen Tv reporter "He is known for these misdeeds, I fought him when I was Minister of the Environment … ", he added. Before pushing the nail on the show Yone-Wi with Assane Guèye revealing that Ablaye Sow is the largest trafficker in West Africa with Bouzeina. Thus, in order to clear the honor of his client, the lawyer claimed 50 million from the ecologist for damages.

As for the journalists, the lawyer was satisfied with the symbolic franc. Pending the deliberations of the judge on July 24, the complainant was at the helm of the behavior of the former Minister of the Environment who quoted him, he said, four times. "He insulted me by calling me a trafficker, that he takes the evidence," he says, not unlike the fact that he is the head of the family and the owner of the loggers who represent more than 30,000 people. Continuing Ablaye Sow does not fail to accuse the ecologist in turn.

According to the arrival of Haidar in 2012, this phenomenon of international timber traffic was noted. Never in the time of the former president, he notes, this phenomenon has been noted. For his part, Ali Haidar did not attempt to evade and confirmed the accusations against the complainant before the judge. Indeed, he furrowed, he says, the country and knows the people who degrade the environment.

Better, it does not fail to invoke the minutes of a colonel of the customs drawn up in the species and that sinks the plaintiff. Although he was targeted as an accomplice in this case, the journalist of the Rfm said that the complainant had benefited from his right of reply. His colleague D-Media confirms that the former Minister of the Environment during the broadcast, had cited names. However, he did not know, he said, that he was Sieur Ablaye Sow.

So he was surprised to have been summoned when the plaintiff had promised to react after the release of the Minister. Still, according to the defense, the offense of defamation is not established. According to Mr. Bamba Cissé, counsel for the journalist of the Rfm, there is a problem of legality of prosecution. According to him, in terms of defamation, the author of the incriminated remarks is the accomplice and the broadcaster the principal author contrary to the quotation served by the complainant His colleague in the defense, Me Sady Ndiaye council of the ecologist believes that his client can not be sued as the main perpetrator in this case. Returning to the facts, the lawyer is indignant at the complainant's behavior.

"He (the complainant) complains of being insulted when he does more than insult," says the lawyer. Indeed, at the moment when the plaintiff takes offense at being treated as a trafficker, he treated the Yahya Jammeh, president of a sovereign country of traffickers. Me Ndiaye does not fail to define the traffic as all people who exploits the forest. Previously nullity objections were raised by the defense and were joined in the merits. For his part, the representative of the public prosecutor's office referred to the judge's decision to be rendered on July 24.


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