FIDAK 2018: A "Biodiversity Space" Announced to Exhibit Endangered Species


Dakar, Nov 28 (APS) – The International Center for Foreign Trade (CICES) will develop a "biodiversity space" to display endangered plant and animal species at the 2018 edition of the the International Fair of Dakar (FIDAK), announced its general director, Sheikh Ndiaye.

"We are in partnership with the Ministry of the Environment, which has welcomed the idea of ​​developing a biodiversity area, and the ministry is ready to bring us animal and plant species threatened with extinction," he said. in an interview with the APS.

According to Cheikh Ndiaye, this exhibition, a first at FIDAK whose 2018 edition will take place from November 29 to December 16, will have "a pedagogical, educational and educational aspect" at the same time.

According to him, "many people know that there are species that are threatened, but they do not have the physical knowledge of these species, and FIDAK will give them the opportunity to see this or that species threatened with extinction. ".

Visitors will have the opportunity to see, among the many animal species to be exhibited, "a unique antelope, existing only in Senegal around the world", as well as lions "young, active and vigorous".

Sheikh Ndiaye, referring to the "innovations" announced, informed that the CICES, in the framework of a partnership with a company specializing in new technologies, will implement for the first time, an innovation called E-FIDAK.

According to him, this E-FIDAK will consist of "filming the Fair in its details, that is to say at the level of direct sales, at the level of the scientific forums, at the level of B to B meetings, at least on all the sectors of the Fair, continuously and disseminate it at the level of digital platforms ".

With this new system, it is now possible to "follow the fair, enter a pavilion in real time, from home".

"You will also see that large screens will be placed everywhere to allow people who circulate, to watch and see what happens in a particular pavilion or place," he added.

Similarly, the CICES, in partnership with the social and administrative services, "has, as usual, developed sites for the issuance of administrative documents, as well as sites for the free screening of endemic diseases such as diabetes, tensions arterial cancer, cervical cancer, breast cancer or AIDS, "said its director general.

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