FIDAK is on a '' good preparation trajectory '' (Director CICES)


Dakar, Nov 27 (APS) – The 27th International Fair of Dakar (FIDAK) is on a good preparation trajectory materialized by the possibility for exhibitors to have stands and other sites of the International Trade Center of Senegal (CICES) as soon as possible. Wednesday, told the APS, its director, Sheikh Ndiaye.

"We are on a good preparation trajectory. We have a good level of progress in the preparations. From Wednesday, everything will be available to exhibitors who would like to come, "he said in an interview with the APS 48 hours before the opening of this international trade fair.

Local exhibitors and other actors from 29 countries are expected at this event, which CICES expects to receive more than 500,000 visitors, Ndiaye said.

"We are ready on all pavilions and outdoor spaces, but at the green flag, there is still a corner where there is still sugar. And that a little embarrassed the construction of the stands. We hope to clear quickly to complete the construction of the stands at this pavilion, "he said.

According to him, the exhibitors could have come into possession of the stands four days before the start of the event, including the slight delay in the occupation of the green flag of CICES. "We were on the same track, and we were on the verge of success," said Sheikh Ndiaye.

He added: '' The outdoor spaces will be landscaped too. We will complete the planning to assign exhibitors to specific sites and also continue the construction of stands outside.

"For ticketing, we are ready. For the biodiversity area too, we are setting up this space. We hope that later on Wednesday, the animals and plants to be exhibited will be on site, "he said.


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