Fight against sickle cell disease: Antoinette Sassou N'Guesso receives a distinction of honor


The wife of the Head of State received his diploma from Prof. Lazare Kaptué, hematologist and African researcher. Previously, he congratulated the first lady of Congo for his commitment. Receiving her distinction, Antoinette Sassou N'Guesso reaffirmed her determination in the fight against sickle cell disease, cancers, HIV infection, malaria and the well-being of the mother and child couple, even if it still exists. some weaknesses aggravated by financial difficulties.

To the participants and researchers, she urged everyone to make a start so that, together with other countries, they can bring about the "noble" struggle in Africa.

" The first global general meeting on sickle cell disease, organized in June 2005 in Brazzaville, opened our eyes and allowed us to draw new perspectives together. In Congo, our advocacy led to the establishment of a National Reference Center for Sickle Cell Disease "she said.

In the process, she cited other similar structures built in Bamako, Cotonou and Lagos. Antoinette Sassou N'Guesso welcomed the fact that in Nigeria, the transplant program on sickle cell disease has already started, while in Marrakech, Algiers and Tunis, these transplants are performed for thalassemia, sickle cell disease and cancers. of blood

" The interest of the centers of reference which are poles of excellence in the improvement of the diagnostic conditions, including the early diagnosis and management of sickle cell disease, aims to federate our knowledge and to pool our efforts to accelerate the improvement of the quality of life of people living with sickle cell disease ", concluded Antoinette Sassou N'Guesso, opening the work of the congress.

For its part, the Pr Alexis Elira Dokékias, president of the organizing committee and chairman of the scientific committee, recalled that sickle cell disease had become " a real public health problem, not still a public health priority ". He seized this opportunity to welcome the plea and involvement of the first lady of the Congo in the fight against this disease.

The WHO promises its support

The hematology congress will address topics as varied as sickle cell disease, constitutional haemorrhagic diseases, transfusion safety, etc. The World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Director, Dr. Matshidiso Moeti, deplored the fact that sickle cell disease remains unknown to the general public

" Worldwide, there is has about one hundred and twenty million people carrying the sickle cell trait, two-thirds of them in Africa. Our States alone, without the support of the partners, will not be able to cope with the information, the communication, the education, the screening, the handling of the cases, and also the fundamental research of certain data said Dr. Matshidiso Moeti in his words of circumstance, recognizing the role "important" played by the Congo, through the wife of the Head of State.

Before closing his remarks, she appealed to all stakeholders in the fight against noncommunicable diseases to mobilize and seek resources to reduce the burden, ensuring that " WHO will continue to play a key role in prevention and control of noncommunicable and haematological diseases. WHO, to the extent of its means, will provide the necessary support for the implementation of the recommendations to be made at the end of the Congress ".

Having hailed in turn the action of the wife of the head of state, the deputy mayor of Kintele, Stella Mensah Sassou N'Guesso, noted some weaknesses in the fight against sickle cell disease, such as insufficient equipment, the failure to care for the sick outside Brazzaville, insufficient screening, etc.

The aim of the hematology society which will be set up after the meeting is to unite the efforts made to achieve a communion of action. to advance the research, diagnosis and care of the sick of the blood

The opening ceremony of the unified African congress of hematology was also marked by the projection of a documentary film tracing the activities of the ' wife of the Head of State in the fight against sickle cell disease

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