First reunion under tension for the Renault – Nissan Alliance


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Nissan CEO Hiroto Saikawa at a news conference in Tokyo on November 19 after Carlos Ghosn's arrest for alleged financial malfeasance.

Photo: AFP / VNA / CVN

Masterpieces of the Japanese and French manufacturers, the executive boss of Nissan Hiroto Saikawa and the No. 2 Renault Thierry Bolloré will participate in this meeting by videoconference, according to sources close to the record. No governance issues will be addressed and no organized vote, according to these sources, but the sidelining of Ghosn revealed differences between Japanese and French on the future this alliance, became world number one last year with 10.6 million vehicles sold.

The final act of this speckled duel took place on Tuesday, when the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire warned that there was no question of changing the great balance of this team, until then the one of the few examples of successful marriage in the automobile. "There is today a sharing which seems to me the good one, there is a balance which is the good one. There are cross-shareholdings between Renault and Nissan that should not change ", he said on LCI.

Nissan boss Hiroto Saikawa had lamented the day before, at a meeting at Nissan headquarters, the "inequalities" within the alliance. According to him, the current distribution of powers, embodied by the omnipresence of Mr. Ghosn, prevents any strategic discussion between Renault and the Japanese manufacturer. The French group currently holds 43.4% of Nissan's share capital, which in turn owns 15% of Renault. The weight of the French part in the internal balance of the team is judged all the more excessive by its Japanese members that the turnover of Nissan is significantly higher than that of Renault.

A strategy to be defined

The alliance, legally incarnated by Renault-Nissan BV (RNBV) based in the Netherlands, is owned equally by the two manufacturers.

In the Executive Board, Renault and Nissan appoint the same number of members (five), but the French appoints the CEO, who has a casting vote in case of perfect equality in the votes. Bruno Le Maire also pleaded Tuesday, November 27 that the director general of Renault, currently Thierry Bolloré, acting executive director, remains president of the alliance. "This rule must not change, " insisted the minister.

The Alliance is a shared factory, which houses products of either brand, common platforms used by different partners to assemble their cars, joint purchasing to drive down costs, and teams of engineers working on the development of future products. All these partnerships are now assured and are not called into question, according to repeated positions on the French side as well as on the Japanese side.

However, if Mr Ghosn is still Renault Nissan BV's CEO on paper, the giant is now without a leader and can no longer exercise the mission defined in its statutes: "develop medium and long term strategy and planning ". It is in this delicate context and in an automotive sector that must decide on heavy strategic investments that are thus Thursday, November 29, by screens interposed, MM. Bolloré and Saikawa.

Mitsubishi executive boss Osamu Masuko should also participate by videoconference, according to the daily newspaper Nikkei. Several representatives of the diamond manufacturer should also take part in the meeting, in accordance with the custom in force during these meetings. Mr. Ghosn has been ousted from the governing bodies of both Japanese groups, but remains CEO of Renault.


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