first round won by David Hallyday and Laura Smet


This morning the lawyers of Laeticia Hallyday and the three record companies of the Tailor (Universal, Warner and Sony) and those of David Hallyday and Laura Smet on the other, they met in a courtroom at the TGI de Paris. They had left on March 15 at the TGI Nanterre who had to rule on the recognition or not of the Californian testament Johnny Hallyday by French law. A debate that will resume in March. This morning, it was not question of the real estate heritage of Johnny but the moral rights to his image and his work, which includes the fees collected by the album sales (several million euros at stake).

⋙ Inheritance of Johnny Hallyday: Moral Rights Hearing Remanded Due to Last Minute Information? (update)

Again, the will of Johnny Hallyday means Laeticia Hallyday sole legatee. But David Hallyday as Laura SmeThey claim that these rights should be divided into four equal parts between the four children of the priest. The session began with a dramatic twist: last Wednesday, the lawyers were informed that the trustee Bank of America, which manages the trust of Johnny (where all his property was placed) in favor of Laeticia Hallyday, has just resigned.

⋙ Johnny Hallyday's legacy: David and Laura's lawyers fight to freeze Laeticia Hallyday's royalties

Chance, coincidence or manipulation to save time? If on the side of Laeticia Hallyday, we ask for the referral, in the clan of David Hallyday and Laura Smet, what we want above all is a royalty freeze so that the widow does not trap the colossal royalties that arise from the sale of the last album My country is love. Finally, the TGI of Paris refused to dismiss the hearing and the proceedings were allowed to continue. First (small) round won by the children of Johnny Hallyday.

⋙ Laeticia Hallyday always more isolated: a close friend now supports David Hallyday

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