Five new testimonials overwhelm Luc Besson


People and royalty

Five new women testified at the French news website Mediapart Displaced gestures or sexual assault by director Luc Besson, after a rape complaint filed by an actress in May and other testimonies published by the French media in July.

Two former employees of Europacorp, the production company Luc Besson, two former students of the School of the City of Cinema, founded by the filmmaker, and a former model testify to the site of inappropriate behavior on the part of the director , ranging from one of them to non-consensual sex between 1995 and 2016.

Read also> Luc Besson targeted for new charges of sexual violence

Non-consensual relations

Among these new testimonies, there is that of a former assistant director. She said Mediapart having suffered from the filmmaker in the 2000s three unauthorized sexual relations in Parisian hotels, as well as inappropriate gestures and behaviors. The former model Karine Isambert, the only non-anonymous witness, said that during a meeting with Luc Besson in 1995, when she dreamed of being an actress, the latter would have "atapped by the top of the buttock to press against him hard enough, making him a kiss ».

according to Mediapart, a former student of the Cité du cinéma school testified to the police in mid-July, denouncing facts she considers as " sexual harassmentl ". These would have taken place in January 2016. The filmmaker would have done " sit on his knees » and would have it kissed in the neck » repeatedly, according to his testimony. These stories are in addition to four other testimonies collected by Mediapart in an investigation on Luc Besson published in July.

With Belga

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