Food insecurity in Matam: WFP rescues 22,000 families •


A sigh of relief for the populations of Matam. The World Food Program (WFP) has just received from the US government, a million dollars, about 560 million FCFA, in support of emergency food security operations conducted by the Government of Senegal. This, to assist 22,000 families in the Matam region during the lean season. According to the financial resources mobilized by the WFP, says the source, more than 66,000 people in the regions of Saint-Louis and Matam, affected by the negative effects of climate change, have started to receive this food assistance. It is a targeted assistance to cover the food and nutritional needs of the most vulnerable people during the lean season. Indeed, this UN organization has indicated that following the results of the harmonized framework of March 2018, the departments of Podor and Matam, among others, have been declared very vulnerable to food and nutritional insecurity. That's why this gesture of support from the US government to the World Food Program to help these people in need. According to the note, WFP has defined a support plan based on cash transfers, nutritional support and the creation of sustainable community assets to support the Government of Senegal in implementing its plan. Emergency Food Security Program (PUSA) for the most vulnerable populations in the northern regions of Senegal. "These activities will better fight against food insecurity, malnutrition and build resilience of affected communities in these two departments," said the statement. It should be recalled that a similar action was conducted by Caritas Senegal, in June, in several localities of the department of Bambey. On this occasion, a sum of 19 million CFA francs was distributed to nearly 400 households concerned by the Rural Food and Nutrition Insecurity Action Program.

Zachari BADJI

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