FRAAK wants to promote the exploitation of the economic potential of Kébémer (Diagne Fada)


Kébémer, July 8 (APS) – The objective of the Agricultural and Animal Resources Fair of Kébémer (FRAAK) is to facilitate the exploitation of the economic potential of this department, said the chairman of the county council, Modou Diagne Fada

'' This initiative aims to promote the exploitation of the potential of our department, '' Diagne told the press on Saturday at the opening ceremony of the three-day fair. , officially opened by the governor of Louga, Alioune Badara Mbengue.

'' The county council is a local authority created to boost the socio-economic development of the department, and Kébémer has the specificity to have several assets '', said Modou Diagne Diagne

Among these assets, he referred to '' the maritime facade '' and the '' belonging '' of this area to the groundnut basin and the sylvo-pastr zone. Oale. "Thus constituted, Kébémer has assets not yet exploited in the fields of agriculture, livestock and fishing," he still boasted, before expressing his willingness to benefit the department. the enormous potential in place.

'' The initiative is timely given that producers have long sought to show their work in the face of the world and this fair will allow the various players to sell, take contacts and to build networks of relations to give body to the local economy ", he magnified.

The governor of Louga, Alioune Badara Mbengue, encouraged such an initiative and displayed his wonder '' after have visited the various stands exhibiting wealth that only needs to be shown to the face of the world to be valued. "

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