France: Emmanuel Macron receives social partners, Market News


PARIS, July 17 (Reuters) – Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday began talks with leaders of employers 'and workers' organizations with the aim of clearing the ground for preparations for the coming year's reforms.

This meeting , unprecedented in form since it is the first time that the head of state receives the social partners together to discuss future reforms, was requested by some trade union organizations, such as the CFDT and Force Ouvrière, criticisms on social policies of the Government

The social partners hope that this meeting will make it possible to renew the dialogue with the executive, broken since the reforms of vocational training, apprenticeship and the Labor Code.

"I hope that 'there will be a' before 'this meeting and an' after ', "FO Secretary General Pascal Pavageau told the press before the meeting.

He said he wanted a" real exchange on the object of the reforms "and calls for a change of method on the part of the President of the Republic, a method he describes as" I walk alone. "

His counterpart CFDT, Laurent Berger, for his part, that in this government there is no "social policy assumed" and that it is urgent to listen more to the intermediate bodies.

"I believe that the social partners have a role to play (.. ) on the quality of life at work, on the question of new forms of employment, the need for social protection, fair remuneration, there are things to be done, "he said on RTL. 19659002] A shared opinion on the employer side, by François Asselin, president of the CPME. "The President of the Republic, with his method, sends us back to the question of our usefulness," he declared on Europe 1.

"In our modern democracy, you need intermediary bodies to be able to accept the reforms to the greatest number. "

The CGT Secretary General, Philippe Martinez, believes that the policy pursued by the government" divides "the French," especially those who do not have much ". [19659002"Stopsayingthatthosewhohavefewareprivilegedcomparedtothosewhohavenothingatall"hesaidonFranceinterHeexpectsofthePresidentoftheRepublicthathespeaksofpurchasingpower"includingincreasedwagespensions"

Emmanuel Macron announced this meeting just after the social partners do decide to meet to to elaborate a possible economic and social agenda in common "independent" of the political agenda.

For the former social adviser of Nicolas Sarkozy Raymond Soubie, the president of the Republic whose popularity rating fell sharply, wants to show more conciliatory with the social partners as he prepares to undertake reforms that were not announced during his campaign as that of a new welfare state, or his poverty plan. (Caroline Pailliez, edited by Sophie Louet)

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