France lacks respect for Senegalese, even at home!


In Senegal, a visa application to the French Consulate, even if properly filed, can last more than two months, without any explanation. And visa applicants in recent times will not contradict me. For the Senegalese, it is the cross and the banner to obtain a visa within a reasonable normal time, today. And this, in the light and knowledge of the Senegalese authorities who, like carp, observe and let the Consulate of France and the visa center for France VFS Global in Dakar, as they see fit.

In truth, the attitude of the French authorities is nothing other than the proof of their total lack of consideration of the Senegalese authorities, which they basically take as their mere subordinates. And, this inconceivable attitude of France translates, in fact, that the old relations between colonial France and colonized Senegal have by no means changed but little. Despite, however, the independence of Senegal and its supposed national sovereignty, since 58 years. It is good, this unworthy and unpatriotic behavior of our country that allows France to continue to act as in the past with Senegal. Yes, because Senegal accepts, still to submit and totally to the desires of France, even the most extravagant and unacceptable, without flinching or to require, at least, mutual respect. And this state of affairs looks very much like the relation between the rider and his horse.

Currently, and at the current state of things, France enjoys all the privileges desired in Senegal, without any equivalent counterpart, for our country. And the proof, Senegal has granted France exorbitant facilities in all areas, both in commercial, industrial, and tourism. Thus, moreover, the entry and movement of its nationals is visa-free. And, all at the expense of Senegal, because almost, in exchange for nothing significant. On the contrary, it is a restriction, almost total, synonymous with discrimination that is opposed to Senegalese wishing to enter the French territory with greater ease. This hostile attitude of the French State against the Senegalese is an insult that France throws at the faces of our docile leaders. This degrading treatment of the French against us is quite the opposite, the favors that the other former colonial powers grant in the matter of visa, to the nationals of their ex-colonies. But, in the case at hand, it must be admitted that the fault rests entirely with the Senegalese authorities, who agree to satisfy, as a colonized State, all the solicitations made by France, without daring to demand a counterpart, equivalent. And that is why France treats us as a department and not on an equal footing and reports based on the principle of reciprocity. As a saying goes from home: "The shoemaker executes your order according to your personality and holding, in front of him" or in other words: "who is sheep, the wolf eats it"

And, the case of suicide of the young Senegalese, the court of Boulogne Billancourt, France, that the French authoritarians wanted to repatriate by force, is part of the degrading treatment and lack of respect, emphasized above, which Africans are the object at home as in France. This drama is the responsibility of the French authorities as well as those of Senegal. Because, this young man was neither a terrorist nor a violent man, but simply, someone who entered, irregularly, in France and no longer wanted, no doubt, to return to his country to find the same conditions of life execrable. Indeed, this young man who said to himself, rather death than the return to my country, is, certainly, only to know the exact reason, why. And this drama must mark, profoundly and indelibly, the conscience of the French authorities, organizations of human rights as well as that of the judge who sentenced him, without any qualms and without worrying about the reality either. that this boy lived in his country. But, should we, despite everything, oblige blindly or like an automaton, turning a blind eye to the motivations that led this boy, to put, rather, end to his days than to return to his country of origin?

This drama, deeply regrettable, shows with sufficiency that the French State is, well, amnesic. Because, he forgets, totally, that the grandparents, tirailleurs sénégalais, of this young man, gave during the two world wars, their lives to free France from the claws of Nazi Germany. This memory, however, must be imperishable in the historical memory of the French State, whatever its leaders may be today or tomorrow. Yes, the blood of the Africans, namely the one whose grandsons are, today, undesirable and considered as plague victims on French soil, nevertheless poured on the same soil yesterday, to defend and save France from an occupation of Nazi Germany.

This disrespectful treatment vis-à-vis visa seekers who, even, have even paid in advance and expensive, a hypothetical service, because it is by no means assured of being executed in the rules. So, let us point out that to obtain this famous visa, even beyond, the way of the cross to do, it will also be necessary to pay obligatorily, the very expensive cost which is located almost to a hundred thousand francs (100000fcfa) a short stay; with a high probability of losing them, because, there is no refund, in case of refusal. In addition to all this we are also subject to an indefinite waiting period, which could reach more than two months before receiving the exact answer of the request. Undoubtedly, this treatment is more than absurd and only reflects the notorious lack of respect of the French consulate vis-à-vis Senegal and visa applicants. But, the Consulate knows, better than anyone, that any request actually corresponds, to a real and precise need in time, that the invitation justifies, expressly. If we look closely at the behavior and the duration of the processing of the files, all the documents, previously required by the Consulate for this purpose, were not used to the extent that they do not enter , practically not, in the examination of the application. In truth, nothing, absolutely, nothing can justify this delay, also too long, for a simple examination of visa application file. Especially, if we refer to the recent past, just 7 years ago. At that time, when a visa application was filed in the morning, his answer was obtained the evening of the same day. But how can the Consulate explain and justify this extraordinary performance that goes from one day to almost three months? Above all, that the Consulate benefits, in addition, now from the support of an external service of assistance. Assistance which, logically, would involve doing some prerequisite work to clear the large volume of requests, thus easing the workload in order to speed up the processing and issuing of visas, as soon as possible. But unfortunately ! It is, unfortunately, totally the opposite, because the situation has, rather, worsened. While technology, essentially, digital technology has meanwhile made immense scientific progress in the specific field of biometrics, allowing to considerably reduce the work on the control of identity of individuals in record time.

This visa issue is for France to review its behavior and disrespect it inflicts visas, through its unacceptable treatment. Admittedly, she is free and sovereign to grant or refuse the visa to the applicants, but has no right, especially for a paid service, to keep the records, allegedly, for processing, for more than a week, at most . The question is also addressed to Senegal and globally to all states ex-French colonies so that they finally have a more dignified attitude in front of France. Then, in the name of their proclaimed sovereignty, let them, at least, prevail over the universal principle of reciprocity in intercourse of all kinds between states, for it is now more than French colonies divested themselves of their colonized complex which still subsists in them, towards France.

The 26/11/2018

Mandiaye Gaye

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