France: the second star under a rain of goals!


 France captain Hugio Lloris raises 2018 world champion trophy, July 15 in Moscow / AFP

France captain Hugio Lloris raises 2018 world champion trophy , July 15 in Moscow / AFP

Champagne! The day of glory has arrived for the Blues who won the second World Cup in their history, 20 years after that of 1998, dominating Croatia 4-2 after an incredible final of the World Cup-2018, Sunday in Moscow

And it was in the pouring rain, at exactly 7:32 pm, that Captain Hugo Lloris raised the coveted trophy, presented by Fifa President Gianni Infantino on the podium where there were three heads of state, the Frenchman Emmanuel Macron, the Russian Vladimir Putin and the Croatian Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic

In Paris, the Champs-Elysées were invaded even before the final whistle by a jubilant crowd, as everywhere in France. ] Buried, narrow scores, as in the last edition (Germany-Argentina, 1-0 ap): there had never been so many goals in a World Final since … 1966 (England-RFA, 4- 2 ap)!

Yes, in the Russian capital, the star was blue, unhooked ar Antoine Griezmann, involved on three French goals, but also by Paul Pogba and Kylian Mbappé, who killed the match.

But here, when France tutoie the summits, there is always something exceptional: it were the two Zinédine Zidane's shots in 1998 against Ronaldo's Brazil (3-0), then his comeback in 2006 (defeat against Italy on penalties).

Sunday, there was the first time in a final of Mondial a goal against his camp, when Mario Mandzukic deviated in his cages the free kick of Griezmann (18th), but also a resort to video assistance to arbitration (VAR) resulting in a penalty, transformed by the same "Grizou" (38th). Here again a first.

– "DD" as Zagallo and Beckenbauer –

 The coach of the Blues Didier Deschamps carried in triumph by his players after their title of world champion in front of Croatia, on July 15, 2018 in Moscow / AFP

The coach of the Blues Didier Deschamps carried in triumph by his players after their title of world champion in front of Croatia, July 15, 2018 in Moscow / AFP

Incredible final, decidedly, when N'Golo Kanté , until then one of the best players of the tournament, spent all through his match, to the point of being replaced by Steven N'Zonzi in the 55th minute; then when Hugo Lloris made a huge ball by missing his hook on Mandzukic, who did not ask so much (69th). Even if the goalkeeper, finally not very solicited, also made a nice tap, on a powerful shot of Ante Rebic (48th).

"A competition is successful when it is gained", had assaulted the president Macron visiting Clairefontaine end of May during the preparation, urging the selection to win the "second star" in front of a Deschamps a bit embarrassed, he who never promises the moon.

He picks it rather than he talks about it, "Dédé la Gagne ", as a matois coach obsessed with the result. And the captain of the golden age of the French team (doubled Mondial-1998 / Euro-2000) joined the Brazilian Mario Zagallo and the German Franz Beckenbauer, winners of the World Cup as players and then breeders. [19659004Atthefinalwhistlehegreetedthefansbotharmsraisedclenchedfists"Donotletgoneverletgo"ashelikestosayBeforebeingwornintriumphbyhisplayers

"It's so beautiful, so wonderful," he exulted on TF1. "I'm really happy for this group, because we started from a distance, but it was not always easy, but by dint of work, of listening … There they are on top of the world for four years. "

The Blues had missed the roof of Europe in 2016 (1-0 defeat against Portugal), and this rancor has turned into rage. They had given in to euphoria by beating Germany world champion in the semifinals of this Euro at home? Not this time, assured the executives after the victory against brilliant Belgium in half (1-0). They were favorites? They took it, to the detriment of the Croats of Luka Modric, elected Golden Ball of the tournament, who knew there their first final.

Mandzukic and Ivan Perisic, scorers to overthrow England in half (2-1 ap ), were this time their paradoxical heroes, scoring again, but the first against his side then thanks to Lloris, the second for the equalizer, before offering a penalty from an unfortunate hand.

– Mbappé after Pele –

 Kylian Mbappé youngest French world champion, here after the victory of the Blues on Croatia in Moscow, July 15, 2018 / AFP

Kylian Mbappé youngest French world champion, here after the victory of the Blues on Croatia in Moscow, July 15, 2018 / AFP

The Croats had one less day of recovery and played three extra time in the previous rounds, ie the equivalent of one match more . And that was seen, in the heat of this Moscow afternoon, despite a control of the game. But the team at the Deschamps likes to suffer, to better sting.

And this rocking took place around the hour of play, when Pogba with a shot from the left (59 ') and Mbappé from the right (65'), both from outside the box, made the rooster sing a little louder.

Le Parisien de The 19-year-old, voted the tournament's best youngster, became the second-worst scorer in the World Cup final, behind … Pele, of course (17 years old in 1958). And comparisons with the legendary Brazilian to bloom again, having hatched during his performance in the round of 16 against Argentina (4-3) who shook the football world.

 World Cup starting from the round of 16 / AFP

World Cup starting from the round of 16 / AFP

Second star for eternity in the blue sky, and images that will remain along their course, a difficult first round, this match anthology against the Argentineans of Lionel Messi, then control and solidarity against Uruguay (2-0) and Belgium (1-0).

Defensive solidarity, and fraternity, that is the credo of this team. The Blues were to return to France on Monday to be received as a hero by the people of Paris and the Elysee, after a memorable night. So to speak under the stars


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