Francophonie: Louise Mushikiwabo advises President Denis Sassou N'Guesso


" Rwanda insisted that I come to see the President of the Republic of Congo, to thank him, on behalf of his brother President Paul Kagame, just after the Nouakchott summit in Mauritania, where the Rwandan candidacy, on my behalf, was endorsed by the heads of state of the African Union "said Minister Louise Mushikiwabo

The Francophonie Summit will be held in October in Armenia. It will give the heads of state the opportunity to elect the successor of Mikaëlle Jean, secretary general of the organization since November 2014.

The Rwandan Minister of Foreign Affairs said that President Sassou N'Guesso has urged, once elected at the head of the OIF, to improve the visibility of Africa within this organization.

" Africa is today the heart of La Francophonie. Our countries have made a lot of investments for several years in education, francophone culture. Africa can still bring something to this organization "she said.

After the Congolese capital, Louise Mushikiwabo is expected to travel to Dakar, Senegal, as part of her tour of member countries of the OIF

Interview with the president of the commission of Cémac

Moreover, the head of the Congolese State exchanged with the president of the commission of the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (Cemac). Daniel Ona Ondo came to report to him on the functioning of this sub-regional organization, the progress and the difficulties that it knows. The president of the commission of the Cémac emphasized the political will of the heads of state in favor of the development of the community.

Composed of six countries, namely Congo, Cameroon, Gabon, Chad, the Republic Central African Republic and Equatorial Guinea, Cemac is currently experiencing a delicate economic situation, due to the drop in oil prices on the world market.

Daniel Ona Ondo insisted on the unity of the community before inviting the member countries to diversify their economies that are dependent on the oil rush. "Our economies, dependent on a single resource, it is obvious that when it has problems at the international level, we have the situation we live today" he added.

The chairman of the commission of Cémac also informed that the program of economic and financial reforms was running in good conditions. Adopted by the heads of state of the community, this program concerns, inter alia, budgetary, monetary and structural adjustments.

Daniel Ona Ondo also praised the efforts made by the Member States to conclude a economic program supported by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). He referred in particular to the case of the Republic of Congo, whose file will be examined by the next IMF Executive Board.

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