Frédérique Vidal and Mounir Mahjoubi present the € 665 million investment plan for artificial intelligence


Frédérique Vidal, Minister of Higher Education and Research and Mounir Mahjoubi, Secretary of State for Digital present today in Toulouse the main orientations of the national plan for artificial intelligence.

Here is the distribution of funds as we have interpreted it:

  • 200 million for 3IA institutes
  • 115 million for international cooperation
  • 115 million for supercomputers (supercomputers).
  • 100 million for the big challenges of AI
  • 130 million for the Technological Research Institutes (IRT).

(Subject to confirmation, we have seen that different sources do not agree precisely.Also remember that the announcement made by Emmanuel Macron following the AI ​​For Humanity Summit mentioned an investment of 1.5 billion euros over the five-year period. waiting for details on these different figures.)

This plan, which follows the proposals of the report presented by Cédric Villani and announcements of Emmanuel Macron at the AI ​​For Humanity summit aims to strengthen the power of France in artificial intelligence.

This national plan includes the creation of the 3IA Institutes whose list of short-listed candidates was announced recently. The state plans to devote 200 million euros to the funding of these institutes which are regional groups of multidisciplinary centers of expertise dedicated to research in artificial intelligence.

The state now seems to be fully aware that France alone can not compete with the two largest powers of artificial intelligence that are the United States and China. The desire announced today by Frédérique Vidal and Mounir Mahjoubi is to make Europe a power, which is able to compete. This is thanks to the help of France in particular, but also from Germany, which recently announced an investment of 3 billion euros in artificial intelligence, as well as the rest of Europe. France will also devote 115 million to cooperation.

The government plans to open, under the coordination of INRIA, 40 new chairs of artificial intelligence in French universities.

A supercomputer of 10 petaflops will be installed by GENCI at the heart of the CNRS Idris laboratory in Saclay.

The government also wants to double the number of doctoral students in artificial intelligence, increasing to 500 new PhD students per year.

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