French justice condemns Facebook to pay 30,000 euros


The French justice condemned Facebook to pay 30,000 euros to the consumer association UFC-Que Choisir who deemed "abusive" clauses of the general conditions of use of the US giant, said Wednesday this association. In its judgment of April 9, the tribunal de grande instance (TGI) of Paris sentenced Facebook Ireland to pay the association the sum of 30,000 euros "in compensation for non-material damage caused to the collective interest of consumers."

All clauses except seven, are "abusive or unlawful in all contracts proposed by Facebook, including those that are no longer offered," he adds. Victory of magnitude The UFC-Que Choisir has welcomed, on its website, a "victory of magnitude" against "430 clauses deemed abusive and illegal".

Seized in 2014 by the consumer protection association about these unfair terms, the TGI Paris had already sentenced Twitter and Google to pay 30,000 euros to UFC-Que Choisir respectively in August 2018 and February.


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