From the failed transfer to a possible legal action: Monchi (Roma) tells the below of the case Malcom – Serie A 2018-2019 – Football


SERIE A – Angered by the turn of the Malcom affair, finally gone to FC Barcelona when an agreement with the Italian club had been concluded, the leaders of AS Roma announced through their director sportsman, Monchi, that they could bring the case to justice. Here is the story of a crazy affair.

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This will probably remain THE soap opera of this summer mercato. While he had to commit to AS Roma on Monday night, Malcom finally became a few hours later a player from FC Barcelona with whom he will commit for five seasons Wednesday (after having satisfied his medical visit) against the sum of 41 million euros, plus one million bonus. All this incredible story has been completed in less than 24 hours.

Floated in this story that mixed business and morals, Roma announced his position early in the evening by voice from his sports director, the famous Ramón Rodríguez Verdejo "Monchi". The former strongman of Sevilla FC has thus long spoken to the official club channel to clarify the situation. According to him, Roma has twice had an agreement with all parties (club, agents, player) to recover Malcom, before being asked by Bordeaux to review its claims on the rise.

Disappointed with the turn of events, Monchi announced that the club's management was considering taking the case to court. " With the club and lawyers we are studying the option of bringing this to justice, it is true that nothing was signed, but we have messages from agents and the president of Bordeaux that stipulate that an agreement was concluded . "

Monday, July 23: first agreement, arrival of Barca and return to the rise

The love affair between Malcom and Roma lasted less than a week. The two clubs were indeed in intense discussions for several days before finding an agreement Monday around 17:00, the player receiving, him, permission to travel to Italy in the evening. " Stéphane Martin (the president of Bordeaux, ed) called me to tell me that there were many rumors about the transfer and that they think it would be wise to make an official statement", said Monchi. "I told him that for us it was not ideal because the club was listed on the stock exchange and we had to respect certain rules, but he insisted … (…) Everything was sealed. the announcement, there are rumors about a new interest of FC Barcelona . "

The arrival of Barça in the negotiations will change everything and for everyone. Bordeaux will find himself in a strong position to sell and will use his power. " It is true that for several days I knew that a lot of teams were following Malcom, FC Barcelona was one of his teams ," said Monchi. " I called Stéphane Martin and he told me that FC Barcelona has submitted a superior offer to ours and that if we do not increase ours, we may not get the player back. I reminded him that we had an agreement, that the transfer was complete, but he replied that nothing was signed, even though we had already exchanged some documents to sign. "

Against all odds, James Pallotta, the president of AS Roma, will respond favorably to the request of the leaders of Bordeaux. Roma will outbid over Barça. " He insisted, given his full consent and he said to me, 'Go ahead,' " added Monchi, who wanted to stop everything Monday night on his side. " I then told the president of Bordeaux and the agents of the player that the Roma was ready to surpass the offer of Barça At 23:00, we sent an official document with the amount of the offer that the President Pallotta was ready to pay . "


Tuesday, July 24: New agreement, Barca returns, end of the story

The return of the Roma force will allow the eternal city to sleep at its ear: Malcom will become well a Roma player is only a matter of time. This will last exactly twelve hours watch in hand. The last meeting between the agents of Malcom and the leaders of Bordeaux will complete the hopes of the Italian club to close the file.

" The agents of the player and the president of Bordeaux told me that everything was sealed, that we could exchange the documents Tuesday and that the player could be allowed again to travel to Rome in the morning "said Monchi. " Early this morning, I spoke with Fernando Garcia, one of the Malcom agents, who had an appointment with the Bordeaux management at noon to confirm that everything was in place for the player to travel to Rome in the day ".

" After their meeting, I was again surprised to learn that the agents and Bordeaux wanted a new offer on the rise because FC Barcelona continued to push for the closing of the deal. told them stop, that we did not want to start an auction and that we could not go on like that, especially since we had increased our offer at the request of our president. end . "

Just like a cat, Monchi and Roma will fall back on their feet. The Spaniard also has the mind turned to his future conquest. " If anyone wants to come to Roma it's great, but if he does not want to come at the last moment, well we do not want him, I want to reassure the fans: we're working on the profile of 'another player, as strong, if not stronger, than Malcom . "

 Malcom in his new colors of FC Barcelona

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