"Game of Thrones": before season 8, even director David Nutter does not know how to explain this mystery


SERIES – Ah, the Aspics of Sands … Of all the inhabitants of Westeros, they are certainly among the most controversial. From their first appearance in "Game of Thrones" to the fate reserved for them by Euron Greyjoy (Pilou Asbæk) and Cersei Lannister (Lena Headey), all of their evolution has been the subject of widely differing opinions.

But beyond this cleaving aspect, Ellaria Sand (Indira Varma) and her three daughters Nym (Jessica Henwick), Obara (Keisha Castle-Hughes) and Tyene (Rosabell Laurenti Sellers) are at the heart of one of the largest The irresolute mysteries of today's series which is about to know its eighth and last season. Even director David Nutter admits he can not explain it to us.


This article reveals elements of the plot of seasons 5 and 6 of "Game of Thrones"

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Everything begins in the finale of season 5, where we see the Dornians watching a ship leaving their kingdom to reach Real Port. On board, Crown Prince Trystane (Toby Sebastian), Jaime Lannister (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) and biological daughter Myrcella Baratheon (Nell Tiger Free).

The latter, intoxicated by a poisoned kiss given by Ellaria just before the departure, will not survive this trip, but will die in the arms of her father after having openly evoked their real link for the very first time. You speak of a story!

Until then, everything is fine, but wait a bit for the first episode of Season 6 …

Sovereign Doran Martell (Alexander Siddig) receives a message from Jaime Lannister, informing him of the murder of Myrcella and her intention to send Trystane back to Dorne. That's when the Aspics and their mother take action: Ellaria and Tyene murder the prince and his guard and protector Areo Hotah (DeObia Oparei). To ensure full control of the realm, Obara and Nym then put the same fate on Trystane, still on the boat while quietly anchored near Port-Réal.

There is just one problem: how could they happen so quickly? At the very end of season 5, we saw them well on the port of Dorne:

No doubt, you think, "Well, Trystane might have changed ships without us knowing – or he had already left the outskirts of the capital to return home."

Except that it is not so.

Jaime's message clearly expresses his intention to send the young prince back on the same boat, so it is unlikely that he changed anything along the way. And just before his murder, an outdoor shot shows that we are actually near Port-Réal. Comparing the shadows on the two images of the ship preceding and following the landing of Jaime Lannister, we also note that the departure of the latter and the death of Trystane occur rather quickly.

In short, our Aspics have gone like the wind!

The boat before the landing of Jaime:

Image of season 6 episode 1 of "Game of Thrones".

Same scene after his departure:

Image of season 6 episode 1 of

Name of a small reptile, what is their secret? Would it actually be flying snakes or snakes of water? David Nutter, the director of this famous finale, was asked the question, as well as three of the six episodes of Season 8 … And he was somewhat embarrassed.

"I'll be very frank with you, my dear: I do not know. Strictly nothing, "he confesses openly.

"But it's not for nothing that we call them Aspics. Who knows what to expect with them? They are more than astute. "

However, it will not push him to change the course of his episodes. When asked if he does not intend to review some of the past scenes – perhaps to correct any inconsistency before the big finale of the series, perhaps simply to erase the image of the sisters posted on the bridge – his answer is quite clear: "Not at all".

"I'm very proud of everything I've done so far in this series, and [ces épisodes] married so well with the rest … In terms of overall quality, I sometimes had the impression of arriving as the fifth Beatles! It was really excellent, and what an amazing opportunity to be involved in all this … No, [je ne vois] really nothing to change. "

O beautiful snakes of the sands, proudly set your heads on this platform. With your astonishing speed – reminiscent of the famous raven of season 7, which took only a few hours to fly from the Wall to Peyredragon – you could be the heroines Westeros really needs.

This article, originally published on the American HuffPost, has been translated by Guillemette Allard-Bares for Fast ForWord.

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