Games: Bridgepoint Offers 893 Million Euros for Cherry


In an announcement, an independent committee set up by Cherry to consider the proposal of $ 87 per share recommends to shareholders to accept it. Cherry President Morten Klein is part of the consortium submitting the bid, hence the creation of this committee.

The proposed price represents a premium of 20% over Monday's closing price.

Cherry stock jumped more than 18% to 85.80 crowns on the Stockholm Stock Exchange at 9:00 GMT, close to its record reached in late November.

Cherry was founded in 1963 and is active in five sectors: online games, game development, online marketing, gaming technologies and casinos.

In its statement, the bid committee also discusses the future regulation of the Swedish gambling market, which could make profits more volatile.

"We also believe that many of the opportunities and challenges that Cherry and its affiliates face are easier to address in an over-the-counter environment and with a more favorable capital structure," said Mika Herold, a partner at Bridgepoint.

The bid committee also notes that the media are increasingly echoing a potential consolidation in the online gaming sector. The Bridgepoint offer comes nearly two months after the British betting specialist William Hill on the Swedish Mr Green & Co.

(Izabela Niemic, Catherine Mallebay – Vacant for the French service, edited by Benoît Van Overstraeten)

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