Gécamines attacks anti-corruption NGOs


The boss of the General Careers and Mines (Gécamines), Albert Yuma, threatened Wednesday to sue anti-corruption NGOs who regularly denounce embezzlement in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Near President Joseph Kabila, Mr. Yuma accused these NGOs of considering thatBlack"are" cgenetically corrupted", during a press conference in Kinshasa.

"Yes, these NGOs are enemies of the DRC and we must consider them as suchhe said, citing reports from The Carter Foundation, Enough Project and Global Witness.

In 2017, the Carter Foundation estimated that $ 750 million had disappeared from Gécamines' accounts over the 2011-2014 period. Global Witness, for its part, described the company as "the automatic distributor of the regime" of President Kabila.

"We will initiate legal proceedings against these NGOs and we will do it every time they continue to degrade our image and that of our country."said Yuma, who is also president of the Congolese employers' union, the FEC.

In the presence of executives of the Gecamines, public jewel of the DRC, he denounced the "lies"NGOs on embezzlement and lack of contribution to the state budget and investments.

These NGOs "play the role of useful idiot for the benefit of global capitalism", added Mr. Yuma.only goal", according to him, "is the destabilization of the Democratic Republic of Congo to serve without hindrance, in the name of pseudo-democratic ideals, foreign demand for cobalt, coltan, copper (…) and other strategic minerals that the world has much needed to ensure the energy transition. "

The DRC adopted at the beginning of the year a new mining code to correct the liberalities of the precedent dating back to 2002 deemed too favorable for foreign investors.

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