General Motors: Trump threatens to cancel GM subsidies, title recedes


November 27 (Reuters) – General Motors recoiled on Tuesday
 the New York Stock Exchange after President Donald Trump has
threaten to remove all subsidies allocated to the first
American car manufacturer the day after the announcement
a reduction in production and workforce in America

The title was close to 2.8% 36.58 dollars Wall Street
around 19:25 GMT, while the S & P-500 advanced 0.16%.

"Very much by GM and its CEO, Mary Barra,
for plant closures in Ohio, Michigan and the
Maryland. No closure in Mexico and China. The
United States have saved GM, and here are the thanks we
get, "he wrote in a tweet

"We are now planning to remove all
@GM subsidies, including those for cars
", he adds, in another tweet

Donald Trump's economic advisor, Larry Kudlow, has
Tuesday said president could announce decisions
specific after the announcement by the group of the deletion of
approximately 8,000 jobs in North America and the end of the
production of its cars that sell the least.

These measures announced on Monday by the group represent its
largest restructuring in North America since its
bankruptcy 10 years ago.

At the end of Monday, the title was down 8.2%
since the beginning of the year, while the S & P-500 index has only
little changed over the period.
(Ankit Ajmera, Catherine Mallebay-Vacator for the service
French, said by Juliette Rouillon)

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