Germany: Five key moments in the Özil affair


Germany: five key moments in the Özil case

From the meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to his departure from the German selection: return on more than two months of controversy concerning the football player Mesut Özil


The German footballers d Turkish origin Mesut Özil (Arsenal) and Ilkay Gündogan (Manchester City) meet Erdogan in London on 13 May 2018, according to Özil, a charity gala. They give the Turkish president signed jerseys of their respective teams.

The use of photos as part of Erdogan's election campaign in view of the Turkish elections on June 24, triggers a controversy that will last for weeks. extreme right Alternative for Germany (AfD) seizes it but also leading media, such as the tabloid Bild questioning a few weeks of the World Cup on the patriotism of the 29-year-old player born in Germany and world champion

Löw, the President and Chancellor

Both players "very much regret" to have posed with Erdogan, said May 15 German coach Joachim Löw, intervened to put an end to the debate. He also defends the two men: "I have a little understanding for these players of immigrant background, who have two hearts in one chest.This is not always simple.The two have done a lot for the integration in Germany "

For his part, the President of the German Federation Reinhard Grindel apologizes to them, saying that" the mistake is human ".

A few days later, Mesut Özil and Ilkay Gündogan meet Frank -Walter Steinmeier, the German head of state. "It was important for both of them to evade misunderstandings created," says the president on Facebook.

In early June during a television interview, Chancellor Angela Merkel comes to the rescue of the two footballers after whistles and insults from supporters. "They belong to the national team and I would be glad that the fans applaud them too," she says.

A legend of the attacking football

Two days after the defeat of Germany in his first match of the world against Mexico (1-0), the captain of the world champions 1990, Lothar Matthäus, become influential columnist at Bild, attacks Mesut Özil and doubts his commitment to Germany

"With Özil, I often feel that he does not feel good on a field in the jersey of national team. […] He would have done well, after the error of photos with Erdogan, to affirm his attachment to Germany, "he attacked.

Another former German international, Mario Basler also castigates the player of Turkish origin, considering that he has the level of play "of a dead frog."

On June 23, Özil is a substitute at the victory in extremis against Sweden (2-1)

Critics after the elimination

Germany is eliminated from the World Cup by South Korea (2-0) in the last group game, the June 27, a collective sinking after which Löw remains nevertheless in place. The most violent critics aim again Özil, pillar of the team and protected by the coach. In each case, the Erdogan affair returns to the front page.

Nine days later, the general manager of the selection, Oliver Bierhoff, tangled his brushes. He claims first that Özil should have "passed" because of the controversy, before retro-pedaling and invoking only "sports reasons."

The father of Mesut Özil, Mustafa, responds to critics: "This statement is an insult". He suggests to his son to slam the door of the Mannschaft

Özil leaves the Mannschaft

In a vitriolic four-page communiqué published Sunday, Mesut Özil announces his international retirement, accuses the president of the German federation of " racism "and justifies its meeting" without any political intention "with Mr. Erdogan.

The controversy rages again, Bild, takes again the head of the critics denouncing" disloyal jeremiades "of Özil and its support for a "despot"

Again the Chancellor comes to the rescue of the player: "Mesut Özil is a football player who has done a lot for the national team, Mesut Özil has now made a decision that must be respected", Ulrike Demmer, spokesperson for Angela Merkel, said Monday.

23/07/2018 14:09:10 –
Berlin (AFP) –
© 2018 AFP

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