Ghana: GDP could reach 40% in September


Ghana's economy is one of the most dynamic on the African continent. In September, it could show a growth of 40% which, although, is not only related to the mobilization of its wealth, one learns.

Ghana, one of the largest exporters of raw materials in West Africa, changes its system for the calculation of its Gross Domestic Product.

This is actually an update of statistical data that will now take into account data from 2013 and not from 2006, as it was done before, two government officials told Reuters.

In doing so, Ghana could post a growth in its GDP between 30 and 40%, well above the 8% announced by the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ). This is a huge leap, reflecting the good health of the oil industry, the technology and communication sectors, but also the rise in commodity prices such as gold and cocoa.

An exercise that has already begun tried Senegal which found itself with a rise of 29.4% of its GDP taking reference to the national accounts of 2014, and more of 1999, where some products had not yet entered its capital

Redefining national accounts should automatically reduce government deficit and debt levels

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