Government urged to accelerate implementation of National Erosion Control Strategy


Dakar, Nov. 28 (APS) – Head of State Macky Sall on Wednesday reminded the government "the urgent need to accelerate the implementation of the National Strategy to fight against coastal erosion", in particular following the damage caused by the recent swells in Cayar and Saint-Louis, according to official sources.

Macky Sall, chairing the cabinet meeting the same day, "reminds the Government of the urgency to accelerate the implementation of the National Strategy for the Control of Coastal Erosion in accordance with its guidelines for the safeguarding and management of coastal areas. development of vulnerable coastal areas including St. Louis, Dakar, Bargny, Cayar, Saly Portudal, Popenguine and Ziguinchor ".

"As such, it is necessary to intensify the finalization of all technical studies, the mobilization of resources and the rapid execution of projects financed by the State with the assistance of the World Bank and the French Development Agency." , he said, quoted by the communiqué of the Council of Ministers.

Referring to "the worrying situation of Saint-Louis", the text adds, President Macky Sall asked the Prime Minister "to hold an interministerial Council with all stakeholders, to strengthen preventive measures and sustainable responses to preserve the districts, villages and localities exposed ".

He reaffirmed "his solidarity and his support to the people of Cayar and Saint-Louis, victims of the effects of the swell" and asked the government to "identify, with precision, the losses observed and to provide the usual assistance to populations and fishermen, "we read again.

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