Greater transparency with health development committees (Chief Medical Officer)


Thiès, July 20 (APS) – The reform creating health development committees (HSCs) in place of former health committees aims to put an end in particular to the problems of transparency that arose in the management of resources , said the head doctor of the region of Thies, Malick Ndiaye.

The reform aims to avoid "problems of transparency in the management of resources, irregularity of renewal" of the governing bodies, etc., he said at the end of a meeting information on this reform ratified by a presidential decree, dated January 5.

Unlike former health committees where we could '' stay 10, 15 years to 20 years '' at the head of these structures , the mandate of CDS is 3 years, renewable once.

The 59-member presidential decree creating the health development committees, also sets ceilings for the share of revenue earmarked for operations (25%), investment (10%), or under the headings social cases and training which are allocated 5% each.

To avoid some heaviness, these CDS have a cash advance, renewable every 3 months, and limited to 100,000 CFA francs for the centers. health and 50,000 francs for health posts, explained Dr. Malick Ndiaye. It is intended for maintenance, repairs, the purchase of emergency products and maintenance.

Motivations to be paid to community health workers (CSA, ex-ASC) are also limited by the text, which also specifies that members of the CDS must "read and write in French," reported MCR, in his presentation.

For Abdourahmane Guèye, president of the former health committee of the sanitary district of Thiès, "the health committee does not leave, it is just the name that changes". However, he lamented some aspects of the new regulation.

For example, '' the 25% ceiling does not fix the system '', because among the former health committees of Thies, '' with the exception of that of the health center, only three committees could have 500,000 francs per month, "he said.

He expressed his fear that the agents recruited by the committee would end up with small sums with this distribution key. And he regretted the fact that the actors '' were not involved '' in the development of this document.

Ibrahima Baldé of the Planning, Research and Statistics Directorate of the Ministry of Health pointed out that "solidarity" and "responsibility" are among other things the key words of this reform. This is to emphasize the need for elected officials to plan according to the means at their disposal.

In addition to the support of the state, they must then seek additional resources, through the partnership, the diaspora, among other sources, he hinted at the meeting. "We are in a context of scarcity of resources that calls our sector efficient management of what little we have," he also said.

"When we put people to the test of texts, we will correct what does not work, we must not lock people up in shackles, "said the governor who chaired the meeting, while noting that" changes are often difficult, (because) people are sitting on old habits and interests. "

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