Health: Brazzaville hosts unified African Hematology Congress


The unified African congress of hematology is under the patronage of the wife of the Congolese head of state, Antoinette Sassou N'Guesso, president of the Congo-Assistance Foundation and sponsor of the fight against sickle cell disease in the world. For three days, the international and African scientific community in particular from France, India, the United States and several African countries will take stock of progress and consider perspectives on the fight against blood diseases , focusing on sickle cell disease

French and English speaking managers, researchers and hematologists will also take part; the members of the French-speaking network of blood transfusion; students in specialties and pre-doctorate year; nurses practicing hematology and oncology

The objective of the meeting is to contribute to the improvement of the management of hematological diseases in black Africa; to create a multidisciplinary consultation framework bringing together French and English speaking countries in the diagnosis and management of blood diseases; to organize scientific meetings through conferences, communications; to promote exchanges between African hematologists as well as North-South exchanges; to evaluate the progress of Africans in the organization of scientific meetings and the performances of the actors involved

" This year, we reached out to English-speaking colleagues so that we could unite in this struggle. It will be the first congress of the unification of the Francophone and Anglophone society. At this congress, we also invited the representatives of the Maghreb Society of Hematology "explained the Director General of the National Reference Center for Sickle Cell Disease, Prof. Alexis Elira Dokékias.

" At the end of this congress, African colleagues will eventually be able to trust us to federate this African society of hematology ," he said.

Several topics will be discussed among which chronic myeloid leukemia; sickle cell anemia; multiple myeloma and malignant lymphomas; hemorrhagic diseases and coagulation; transfusion safety. An exhibition will also be organized during which the pharmaceutical companies will exhibit their products and their research work on blood diseases. On this occasion, the participants will have the right to visit the stands.

The most widespread genetic disease in the world

Sickle cell disease is the most widespread genetic disease in the world. It is the first blood disease in Africa that is characterized by an abnormality of hemoglobin causing anemia and very intense circulatory pain. In sub-Saharan Africa, almost half of children with sickle cell disease who are not screened die before the age of five. Mortality remains high even among children screened and treated who often do not exceed the age of 13 years. In the United States, life expectancy is currently 42 but at the cost of permanent treatment.

The fight against sickle cell disease is a long-standing commitment of Antoinette Sassou N'Guesso. Thanks to her advocacy at the International Organization to fight against sickle cell disease, of which she is the honorary president, the African Union and UNESCO in 2005, the World Health Organization in 2006 and the United Nations in 2008 recognized the fight against this disease as a public health priority. For many years, the Congo has been mobilizing on this subject with Unesco.

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