Health: but what is mycoplasma genitalium?


According to the British Association of Sexual Health and HIV, a new STI is gaining ground. His name: mycoplasma genitalium. Explanations

We have one more reason to go outside. On July 11, 2018, the British Association of Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH) sounded the alarm, in a new report. For cause: the growing appearance of a new IST named the mycoplasma genitalium (MG). According to the experts, it is difficult to identify, since it would sometimes be confused with chlamydia and gonorrhea . Worse: it would even be able to develop antibiotic resistance.
BASHH also fears that MG could be a further cause of infertility. In order to cure herself, she recommends (anyway) treatment with antibiotics in anticipation of a more adapted and effective therapy (because MG is, for the moment, treated as a chlamydia lambda, lack of research on infection). And if those who do not have any symptoms in most cases, you are sent a list of potential symptoms that you may experience. Because we keep your health to a minimum (and ours)

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