The Director of Prevention and Health Promotion at the Ministry of Health, Dr. Djamel Fourar, said yesterday in Algiers that local production of hepatitis drugs has improved the management of patients.
On the eve of this year's World Hepatitis Day, under the theme "Screening, treating for the elimination of hepatitis", Dr Fourar said that the local production of drugs against this pathology has allowed improve the care of the sick, stressing that Algeria aspired to reduce the average attainment by 2020.
In application of the strategy drawn by the World Health Organization (WHO) to eliminate hepatitis, the official said that "Algeria is ranked among the countries with low prevalence of the disease and has taken preventive measures through the establishment of a national program against this pathology, by reducing cases of infection and contagion through the introduction of the hepatitis B vaccine and by providing the necessary means for its early detection and free treatment despite its high costs. "
Indicating that more than 1,500 cases of this disease were identified throughout the country in 2017, Mr. Fourar recalled the awareness campaigns organized by the Ministry of Health for the early diagnosis of this disease in the wilayas of the east of the country will be followed by other similar actions in other wilayas of the country in September.
For its part, the president of the national association "SOS Hepatitis", Abdelhamid Bouallag, put the accent on the need to relaunch the national hepatitis monitoring commission whose activity has been frozen in recent years and to encourage liver transplantation which has not yet reached the level
Pastor Institute Chief Executive Dr. Zoubir Harath ensured that the reagents used in medical tests and the early diagnosis of this particular disease, in addition to vaccines for infants, were guaranteed. to pregnant women.
Deputy Director of Hepatitis C at the Department of Prevention and Health Promotion at the Ministry, Samia Hamadi, lamented the use of advanced-stage treatment of the disease, which requires "heavy care". She also stressed the importance of "strengthening preventive measures", especially as "a large number of patients give up treatment".
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