his unequivocal, and very original, picture supporting yellow jackets on Twitter


They are already numerous, here is one more. Brigitte Bardot posted on Wednesday her support for the movement of yellow vests, publishing a photo of her posing with the now famous outfit on her Twitter account. Surprised, the actress also seems to have convinced his best friends, since one of his dogs appears with a garment – adapted – the same color.

⋙ "Indecency", "Circus debauchery of luxury people" …: Brigitte Bardot dézingue the commemorations of November 11

Thumbs up, Brigitte Bardot takes a position clearly and clearly. The text that accompanies the cliché is also unambiguous: "With you"The muse of the animal cause is not the first star to engage in this movement that has been in the news for several days, since Arnaud Ducret and Franck Dubosc have recently done the same. are not made to wait, many followers congratulating or thanking "the" Bardot. Other personalities will they still follow the movement? The next should give us the answer, the debate of substance having not visibly finished to make speak a little everywhere in France.

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