HIV Conference: Rethinking the fight against drugs to stop AIDS


The 22nd International AIDS Conference, held in Amsterdam, is a must-attend event for all those involved in the fight against the epidemic. Civil society is represented through a coalition of organizations that launched a new campaign on this occasion to say "no" to the war on drugs as it is being waged. A real public health issue in the fight against HIV. African associations have joined.

With our special correspondent in Amsterdam, Simon Rozé

For a long time, West Africa was only a transit point for drug trafficking. But the situation has changed. " Our region has become a region of consumption. As far as the Burkinabè context is concerned, Canabis is the most consumed. Then comes cocaine and heroin ", reports Charles Somé, of the NGO REVS + in Burkina Faso.

► to (re) read : The Customs Directorate of Burkina Faso alert on drug trafficking

No official figure exists to measure the phenomenon in Burkina Faso, although a study is in progress. " This is a real problem, the authorities are aware of it. On average, we risk between three months and five years in prison "he adds.

But according to activists, this" all repressive "has serious consequences for public health. Illustration on the other side of the continent, in Mauritius, where nearly half of the drug users are HIV-positive, despite the government's repressive policy.

" Anyway, people will consume because they are in a dependence, estimates Nicolas Ritter, of the association Pils . To give them tools so that they do not become infected with viruses like the AIDS virus. In contrast to Burkina Faso, Mauritius set up a program

South African actress Charlize Theron in full discussion in the Global Village, a meeting place for communities around the world at the 22nd International AIDS Conference.
                         © REUTERS / Yves Herman

accompanying drug users. We managed to convince the authorities to introduce needle exchange programs. It has given incredible results.

An international campaign was launched by a coalition of associations on the occasion of the International AIDS Conference. "No to the war on drugs" is his name. Objective: to encourage governments to put in place such risk reduction policies

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