"Hurricane Meghan Markle" turns everything upside down, she makes Kate Middleton cry



Clearly, the cold between Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton is not new. These tensions seem to date even before the marriage of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry.

The alleged conflict between Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton has been talking about him for several weeks now across the Channel. A situation that would have even pushed the new princely couple to move soon from Kensington Palace. They will move to Frogmore House.

Officially, this move would be a decision made for "Their future children live like goldfish in a jar". Behind the scenes, it is rather due to the strong character of the Duchess of Sussex. Several relatives have also turned their backs on the couple, some people even nicknamed Harry's wife "Hurricane Meghan".

When Meghan makes Kate cry

Several sources even say that the change of residence is wanted by Meghan Markle to avoid becoming next door with … Kate Middleton. "The two young wives of the princes do not get along", explain these sources in remarks relayed by The Sun. Tensions that would have begun before the marriage of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

While Princess Charlotte, daughter of Prince William and Kate Middleton, was trying on her dress for the princely wedding, Meghan would have been particularly stressful and demanding. The latter would have insisted "Many times so that everyone really does their best to be on his 31 for his big day". And the fittings with Princess Charlotte did not go well.

The tension would have been so great during this moment that the Duchess of Cambridge, who had just given birth, ended the session in tears. The two women then explained themselves by deciding not to return to this incident.

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