"I call for a definitive reconciliation between Macky Sall and Me Abdoulaye Wade"


The divergence between the President of the Republic Macky Sall and former President Abdoulaye Wade is untenable. Knowing the friendliness of President Macky Sall, it would surprise me that the origin of this disagreement comes from him.

There must be eel under rock.Car how can one understand that with all its political course and the various ministerial and political positions of responsibility he has held with President Wade, to whom he owes it, that President Macky Sall may behave in this way.

To those who maintain that it is through revenge that he reacted by taking into account the pressure that the regime of President Wade had put on him when he was President of the National Assembly, I would say that there is balance of any account if one refers to the prison sentence suffered by Karim Wade and what President Wade considers an exile by sending his son to Qatar.

And yet, other figures of the liberal regime are also accused of misappropriation of public funds but are currently going

What interests us today is the relationship between these two statesmen that all previously related. Not only does President Wade not deserve what is happening to him, but President Macky SALL must not be responsible for this. Every conflict must know its epilogue. This is in the opinion of any sensible citizen, who wishes for good in this country.

Regarding my relationship with President Macky Sall, as a reminder it was on the occasion of the Darou Mousty Magal that I said that I was going to give him my support as I did with his predecessors President Abdou Diouf and President Abdoulaye Wade

The reason is that it was Mbacké that President Macky Sall during his speech the slogan "Dieuredieuf Serigne Bamba"

For this, since we are in the perspective of the presidential election, if we were to share the voters, as a reward for having said this slogan I would have given him 10,000 voters, because this The slogan is composed of 10 letters, which means that for every letter it would have benefited from 1,000 voters.

For example, out of 100,000 voters the 10,000 would return to President Macky and 50,000 voters to the Party of Veri

I will add 12,000 additional voters to President Macky Sall for pronouncing on the occasion of the Magal de Touba the slogan "Dieuredieuf Serigne Touba". 12-letter slogan.

Therefore, the amount of electors that would be returned to him will be 22,000. The number 22 corresponds to the surname MBACKE. So my support for President Macky can be estimated at 22,000 voters.

This is my reasoning, and it is no longer necessary to say that Serigne Touba is my only reference, that he works for all humanity. Whatever the nature of my relationship with President Sall, when it comes to telling the truth I do not derogate from it.

It is true that he is my candidate, but the electors do not belong to me. As it does not belong to Cheikh Abdou Baly Mbacké, who also has President Sall as his candidate.

President Macky Sall is my candidate because he pronounced the two slogans that touch me in the depths of my being: "Dieuredieuf Serigne Bamba" and "Dieuredieuf Serigne Touba". What he did no head of state did. No politician had this humility this modesty. He did a strong act and it touched me. Each with its sensitivity

It is true that the activists of the PVD nominate my candidacy for the presidential election because the implementation of the project of society of Serigne Touba is close to their heart. But until proven otherwise, my candidate is President Macky. When the truth manifests itself, it must be accepted

Regarding the situation of President Abdoulaye Wade, every reasonable person must know that this is not normal. My certainty is that it does not come from President Macky. He must certainly be influenced. If he has some responsibility, it must be minimal. It is imperative that he rebels to restore this situation. The people will appreciate and this will lead to a social peace.

What is essential in my remarks is that my support is exclusively based on the two slogans pronounced "Dieuredieuf Serigne Bamba" and "Dieuredieuf Serigne Touba In addition to the attention he paid to me on the occasion of the Gamou de Pire

I also warmly thank Serigne Touba for the fidelity that the activists of the PVD show me every moment, which I do not think for a moment that they will have a position contrary to my will to support President Macky Sall. They are to meet this Sunday and are in the process of completing the lists for the sponsorship of the coalition candidate of the century.

Sheikh Ahmadou Kara Mbacké

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