'I did not come to Touba to compete with anyone! "


Integrating Touba's political kingship and especially proclaiming his willingness to work for APA and President Macky Sall in Touba without encountering difficulties and blockages is not given to anyone. Jealousy seems to be the most shared thing among the party's resident leaders. Moustapha Diakhaté and others will not say the opposite. This is probably what makes Minister Mame Thierno Dieng say: "I did not come to Touba to compete with anyone. I called the politicians individually on the phone. I did not come for any position. I am here to work for Touba. "

Mame Thierno Dieng was demonstrating in the Beug Bamba district, and always very cautious, he said he had received, beforehand, the blessing of the Khalif General of the Mourides but also the mayor so that he did not imagine that he is in the process of interfering in matters that fall within its remit. "The lighting that I have done in this district of Beug Bamba is part of my duty to Touba, wherever this need exists. I will react, what we have done is under the jurisdiction of the mayor, we could not have done anything without the authorization of the mayor, "he said, in particular.

The Minister will be pleased with the presence of Sokhna Mame Say Mbacke Binetou Serigne Cheikh Say Mbacke Souhaibou.

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