"I was born in Ivory Coast" Floby tells a piece of his story


"I was born in Ivory Coast" Floby recounts one end of his career | Life Magazine

"I was born in Ivory Coast" Floby tells a piece of his story


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In twelve years of career, Floby has won 11 kora. He is also the first Burkinabe artist to have obtained a gold record. If he managed to glean all these awards, it is thanks to his efforts and his perseverance. Although the beginning of his musical career has been very controversial, Floby has moved forward to position himself as the number one music in his country. He shares a part of his journey.

<< I have a rather special course. I was born in Ivory Coast. At 5 years old my parents sent me to the village in Burkina for treatment by my grandmother, because I was a very sick little boy. Thanks to heaven, I was able to heal after a long month of treatment. My grandmother, with whom I stayed, was a griot and I followed her in all the ceremonies she performed. Subsequently, I felt the spark of music light up in me. My family did not accept it because they wanted me to own stores. So they kicked me out. It did not stop me. I did not have a place to sleep. It was really hard. In 2003, I participated in a music contest and I won. That's where my musical career took off. So I released my first album on June 30th. It's a sacred date for me. That's when all my albums come out. >> Confess Floby.

Fabrice N'dé

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