Idrissa Seck tackle Macky Sall


XALIMANEWS: The cash pressure in the country is not a surprise for the president of Rewmi.
On tour to Thiarry Mbaor in the Kebemer department, Idrissa Seck said he had alerted from the first hours of the second political alternation that the Macky Sall regime did not take the right direction.
This has been confirmed, he says, with the financial difficulties currently facing the country.
According to the president of the Council department of thiès, if the government admits the existence of a financial tension, it is up to the people to take their responsibilities by changing the regime.
Idrissa Seck also complained about the defective state of the road between Guéoul and Thiarry whose rehabilitation constitutes a grievance of the populations since the reign of President Abdou Diouf, delivers AS.

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