Idy boosts his party, tears Macky and gets organized for … 2019


The National Secretariat (SN) of the Rewmi Party met under the chairmanship of Mr Idrissa SECK to examine the national political situation and the life of the party.

On the national situation, [19659003] The SN has studied at length the water shortages in Dakar and the plight of farmers and farmers in the rural world during this lean season.

After the communications of the National Secretaries for Water and of agriculture on the catastrophic situation and the difficult living conditions of the populations, the National Secretariat of the Rewmi party was outraged by the notorious incompetence of the President Macky SALL and his government who are struggling to provide appropriate responses to the suffering of the people. Senegalese

Indeed, Dakar and its suburbs have been dying of thirst since April without any convincing response from the regime. Water stress has reached alarming proportions among our compatriots, forcing our brave women to travel miles in search of water for their daily needs.

In the rural world, the livestock is decimated by thousands for lack of food sufficient welding for our valiant breeders and farmers who see their legacy and savings of several decades fly away in record time.

All this denotes once again the lack of vision and pro-activity of President Macky Sall and its government to effectively and sustainably address the concerns of the people in general and the rural world in particular, leaving them in dire disarray.

The Rewmi SN gives its full support and compassion to the people Senegalese people following the innumerable difficulties caused by the incompetence of Macky SALL

On the life of the Party,

The President Mr Idrissa SECK informed the SN of the international tour that he will take in certain countries in Europe, Africa and America.

The SN welcomed the remarkable work done by the Secretary General of the Party and the secretary in charge of external relations to the 200th executive committee of Liberal International and set up a preparatory committee for the congress scheduled for Dakar in November

The SN congratulates Brother Yankhoba Diattara for starting the structuring work of the Party over the entire electoral territory, including the 552 communes of Senegal and the 43 foreign countries where the Senegalese diaspora live and vote.

Brother Babacar Mar, National Secretary in charge of digital communication, Brother Ass Babacar Gueye , National Secretary for Elections Brother Mory GUEYE, National Secretary for Youth and Sister Penda Ndao, National Secretary cha women's youth were also commended for the work they are doing on the ground in the leadership of the Party.

In terms of appointments, the President of Rewmi has appointed: 19659003] – brothers Dr. Abdourahmane Diouf and Aly Saleh Diop to co-chair the fundraising commission in Senegal and the Diaspora to finance Idrissa SECK's campaign

– The Daouda brothers Ba and Manel Fall and Sister Garmi Fall, deputy spokespersons of the Rewmi party

Done at Dakar on July 16, 2018

The National Secretariat

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