"If the Senegalese entrust me with the country in February 2019"


 Idrissa Seck writes to France: "If the Senegalese entrust me with the country in February 2019" "width =" 534 "height =" 289 "title =" Idrissa Seck writes to France: "If the Senegalese entrust me with the Country in February 2019 »" class = "singleCC" src = "https://www.senenews.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Idrissa-Seck-610x330.jpg" /> 
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Riding on the National Day of the French Republic, Idrissa Seck wrote to the French ambassador to Senegal, Christophe Bigot, among other points touched by "Ndamal Cayor", Tigana and of course the 2018 World Cup with finalist France He did not miss to talk about the approaching Presidential Correspondence in extenso:

 Free Image: France raises its Cup !!! Selected for you: : France raises its Cup !!!

To His Excellency Monsieur Christophe BIGOT
Ambassador of the French Republic born in Senegal

Excellency, Ambassador,
On the occasion of the National Day of the French Republic, I address you and the French people friend, my warm congratulations in my name and in that of our Party, the REWMI

I remember the newly elected President Sarkozy inaugurating his mandate by a visit to the Bois de Boulogne to recall the massacre of young French Communists by the German army, before to fly to Berlin to consolidate the Franco-German couple with Chancellor Merkel

I deduce that the duty to remember, even painful, should not obscure the responsibility to build a future win-win partnership where the The value produced is equitably shared.

This is what I intend to promote between our two countries if it pleased the Senegalese to entrust me with the task in February 2019.

Like Jean Tigana, fi As a Senegalese skirmisher and a French sportsman, I take this opportunity to express my support for the most African team in the final of the World Cup: France.

Demonstrating our attachment to the universally shared values ​​of Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity which must base our strong bonds, in the future, please believe, Excellency, the assurance of all my consideration.

Idrissa Seck
Former Prime Minister of Senegal
President of Party REWMI
Chairman of the County Council of Thies

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