IMF continues to work with Ukraine despite martial law


The managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Christine Lagarde, has confirmed the fund's willingness to continue its cooperation with Ukraine despite the martial law imposed in many parts of the country, the Ukrainian presidential administration reported on Thursday.

Lagarde made the remarks during a telephone conversation with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, reveals a statement on the website of the Ukrainian presidency.

"In this conversation, it was pointed out in particular that the introduction of martial law does not affect interactions with the IMF," the statement said.

Ukraine hopes to receive the first tranche of a new IMF assistance package by the end of this year. On 19 October, the IMF reported that it had reached a personnel agreement with the Ukrainian authorities on economic policies for a 14-month Stand-By Arrangement (SBA).

Martial law was put in place for 30 days in ten regions of Ukraine because of tensions with Ukraine around the Kerch Strait.

The implementation of this special regime has raised fears in Ukraine that the IMF will suspend its partnership with Kiev.

Mr Poroshenko stressed that "martial law does not mean a declaration of war", but only a step towards strengthening the Ukrainian defense.

Ukraine urgently needs international assistance to settle about $ 15 billion in debt in 2019. F

<! – enpproperty 742238752018-11-30 02: 35: 33: 7IMF continues to work with Ukraine despite martial lawUkraine-IMF10027176468topicalitytopicality News AgencyThe managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Christine Lagarde, has confirmed the fund's willingness to continue its cooperation with Ukraine despite the martial law imposed in many parts of the country, the Ukrainian presidential administration reported on Thursday.1/ Enpproperty ->

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