In Roubaix, the Braderie de l'Art is ready for its 28th edition!


The Public Condition, in Roubaix, is the host these saturday 1st and Sunday, December 2 from the 28e edition of the Braderie de l'Art. In free admission, the event offers to observe, from 19h to 2h30 on Saturday evening and from 8h30 to 19h on Sunday, between 150 and 200 painters, sculptors, graffiti artists, designers and other visual artists, invited to seize some 3,000 m3 materials made available to them. Note the presence, as part of the season France-Romania 2019 and in partnership with the French Institute and The Institute, six Romanian artists hosted in residence. Initiated in 1991 by Fanny Bouyagui, who created the Art Point M association in the same year, the Art Bradery is a singular event that aims to promote craftsmanship, processes of manufacturing various and varied design objects, "Far from mass production that depletes natural resources and encourages overconsumption", to use the words of the organizers. Before the event, there is a vast collection of recovery materials from local companies gathered under the RE-COLLECTE label. Materials destined to become, the time of a weekend, raw material and exclusive artistic expression of the creators gathered. Pieces born of their imagination are sold on the spot between 1 and 300 euros. More information on Visual: © Braderie of Art / DR.

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