Infrastructure: Vdn 2 inaugurated next December (Minister)


The work of the second section of the Northern Clearance Route (Vdn) costing nearly $ 60 billion will be completed in a few weeks. The reception of the book is scheduled for the end of the year and the inauguration in December, said Tuesday, the Minister of Infrastructure, Land Transport and opening up, Abdoulaye Daouda Diallo who was visiting the sites has

He was satisfied with the progress of the work after having discussed with the company responsible for carrying out the project, in relation with the general manager of Ageroute, Ibrahima Ndiaye and his team. "They confirmed to me that at the end of November, the book should be available. And if all goes well during the month of December, the President of the Republic will proceed to the inauguration of the Vdn section 2 ", he said at the end of the visit.

In addition to the second section of the Vdn (Vdn2) which goes from the Cices to the connection of Guédiawaye on a line of 9 Km, with particularly important works including the Bowstring and the large bridge which crosses almost all the districts of Nord-Fair, of Diamalaye, Parcels Sanitized and also HLM Grand-Medina on linear of nearly one km, he evoked the erection of connecting roads. Roads which, according to him, will allow a better circulation of the motorists.

"We also visited the Bowstring, that is to say the big bridge that was at the level of Cambérène and which overhang the mausoleum. Again, there were difficulties that led to the bridge being shut down at some point. But here you see with me that they have resumed; that this is going well and that the contractual deadlines that have been set will be maintained. This means that we will work to review what has been done in particular at the bridge approach. That is to say, the wall that was erected here (in Cambérène) will be destroyed as the Head of State has instructed. I had reminded him last time to the Cambérène delegation to confirm precisely that the President of the Republic has just decided to destroy the wall there, "said the Minister.

Abdoulaye Daouda Diallo said come to see how this can be done and especially work to ensure that deadlines are respected. And at the same time that the will of the President of the Republic is respected. (…). By the end of the year we will (receive) a book of a rather rare quality. Because it is true that it cost almost 50 billion FCFA totally financed by the African Development Bank (Bad). There were additional costs due to a modification of the route to take into account the concerns of the people, but especially the realities and therefore this extra cost will necessarily be borne by the state budget. "

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