MOROCCO / FRANCE. In a press release published on June 27, Ingérop announced "a 40% stake in HPM (Horizon Project Management), a building engineering company specializing in project management, OPC (Organization, Pilotage and Coordination) and AMO (Project Management Assistance). "

The French SME of building engineering is already working for export, one of its priority for several years. The international generated 13% of its activity in 2013, compared to 20% in 2018. In the Mediterranean, it participated in the construction of a tramway in Zaragoza, Spain, and is currently supervising the motorway project between Bar and Boljare, in Montenegro. It has subsidiaries in Spain, Algeria and Tunisia. With 1,700 employees, it achieved a turnover of € 207 million in 2016.

Based in Rabat, Morocco, HPM belongs to two French, Thierry Cusset and Antoine Duplouy. It works of course in the kingdom, but also in West Africa, for large accounts in the field of tourism, transport, or for public actors.

"The strategic interest of the acquisition of HPM for Ingérop is to establish ourselves in a dynamic country in which we have been working for many years, accompanied by two French leaders locally established, motivated to the development of their company and already active in other African countries. The development of synergies in the building business is clear, Ingérop can bring or pilot the technical state bodies, with expertise of international level, in addition to the specialties developed by HPM "says Yves Metz, President of Ingérop. 19659002]