Ismaila Madior Fall publishes two books on Monday


The Minister of Justice, Minister of Justice, Professor Ismaïla Madior Fall, publishes two new books on Monday, at Harmattan-Senegal, learned the APS

'' The constitutional reform of March 20, 2016 in Senegal. The record-breaking consolidation revision '', is the title of the first book.

'' Adopted by referendum, this reform was intended to be timeless, inclusive and covers several fundamental aspects of political and institutional life: fundamental rights, the President of the Republic, the Assembly, the relations between the executive and the legislative power, constitutional justice, the procedure of revision of the Constitution, decentralization and deconcentration … '', recalls the back cover of the book. [19659002Thetextemphasizesthat"oneofthegreatestoriginalitiesofthereformistheinsertionofclausesofeternitywhichclosethedoortothedeconsolidatingrevisionscontainedinthepast"

The second work is entitled: ' 'Presidential elections in Senegal (from 1963 to 2012)'

'Since the beginning, Senegal has organized ten presidential elections ( ). The study of these elections allows to know the republican structure of the State, to understand the political culture of the country, to feel the pulse of the society, to know the Senegalese people, to take the measure of the democratic breathing and to evaluate the quality of democratic practice '' is it in particular written as a summary.


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