"it is a small minority who puts itself in front of the stage"


Target of local traders, who accuse him of all their ills, Auchan reacts. Pope Dièye, product manager, interviewed by the Tfm, understates. He understands that "it is a small minority that comes to the fore because their interests may be a little threatened."

Dièye continue: "They are agitating this question to say that at the level of Auchan today, the quality of the products remains doubtful. Which is not the case. Today, more than 60% of our assortments are products that we make locally, either through importers or manufacturers. "

He adds:" Five or six customers out of 40 thousand, indicates he is still negligible. But that does not mean that we neglect this problem. We take note of this problem and we try to do what is necessary to prevent such a situation from happening again. "

With seneweb

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