"It seems incoherent" to "criticize" Olivier Giroud


Stéphane Guivarc'h says he is "unhappy" for Olivier Giroud, who still has not scored a goal in this World Cup and who finds himself the target of criticism.


Stéphane Guivarc'h is undoubtedly one of the best placed to discuss the case of Olivier Giroud. In 1998, he was the striker of the French team world champion and finished the tournament without having scored a goal. Today, Olivier Giroud lives substantially the same thing.

"I am unhappy for him." While the Blues have climbed in the final of the Russian World Cup, the striker of Chelsea has still not scored in the competition. "I am unhappy for him as I was unhappy not to have scored.We are attacking, we want to shake the nets," says Stéphane Guivarc'h in the show Bons baisers du Mondial on Europe 1.

Worse, the benefits of Olivier Giroud in Russia earned him many critics on social networks. "The more we go in the competition and the more we fight, and the more we get hit on," said the world champion striker in 1998: "I do not understand this reasoning, I assume that it is a group that gives himself. "

" He is so precious in the game. " According to him, Olivier Giroud" makes all the necessary efforts to the point of the attack "but" he misses this little bit of success". Stéphane Guivarc'h believes that Giroud should be judged on the work he provides for the team more than on his success in front of the goal: "It is so precious in the game of tricolor today that it seems incoherent to me. 'go criticize it.'

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