"It's not up to Macky Sall to remove Karim Wade from the electoral roll …"


The Steering Committee (Cd) of the Pds, at the end of its meeting this Friday in Dakar, under the chairmanship of Oumar Sarr, Deputy National Secretary General and Coordinator General, fired red balls and on President Macky Sall and his regime guilty in his eyes of having removed Karim Wade from the electoral register.

And from the outset the Steering Committee to be moved by this "serious misconduct committed by Macky Sall and his regime which, in flagrant violation of the law, have decided not to register in the electoral list our candidate brother Karim Meïssa Wade. "

" While the judgment of the Court of Repression of Illicit Enrichment, yet composed of magistrates carefully selected by Macky Sall, rejected the request of the special prosecutor asking that Karim M. Wade be deprived of the right to vote, the government of Senegal decides to violate the law by obtaining by force what a decision of justice refused him ", reads in the communiqué reached Friday at Senego.

And the Pds to remain convinced that in application of the provisions of the law and the judgment of the Crei dated 22 March 2015, "Karim Wade is a good elector and his name must appear on the electoral roll. It is not for Macky Sall or his government to remove it."

The Committee Director reiterates that Mr. Abdoulaye Wadeù's party will not accept that "the laws of our country are flouted to allow Macky Sall, without fame and without a fight, to have a second term of office" (19659006) the people are not ready to grant it. "

All things that make these liberals demand that their candidate be " maintained on the electoral roll in accordance with the law. "

They also demand "the immediate and complete application of the decisions rendered by international bodies and jurisdictions which are binding on our country. These include the immediate implementation of the decisions of the ECOWAS Court of Justice and the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention concerning Khalifa Sall and Karim Wade and the discontinuation of all proceedings against them " .

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