Ivory Coast: Negotiators Trained on BRVM Trading Software


Officials of the capital markets and negotiators of UEMOA (Economic and Monetary Union of West Africa) management and intermediation companies (SGI) were trained this week in Abidjan to use the software BRVM (Regional Stock Exchange of Securities.)
Initiated by the subregional stock market, this training workshop allowed to revisit the good practices of the negotiation of titles and open avenues of reflection on subjects of common interest for the development of the market
During this workshop, the question of the professionalization of the different trades exercised on the regional financial market of UEMOA was broached. This is a major stake to reinforce the credibility of the BRVM as well as the confidence of the investors, recognized the participants.
"It is thus necessary to make better known the trade of negotiator which is exclusively reserved for the actors approved by the CREPMF on the Regional Financial Market of UEMOA, "said Edoh Kossi Amenounvé, Director General of the BRVM
He denounced the proliferation of training initiatives and the creation of illegal placement platforms and / or trading, which can confuse the minds of investors.
Kossi Aménounvé also pointed out that in order to comply with international standards for the exercise of professional activities on the markets, a certification program will be put in place. in place, for the different trades of the stock market. "This will reinforce the professionalism of the accredited stakeholders," Mr. Aménounvé added.
Negotiators, who are in charge of executing client orders, constitute a particular category of agents whose competence, the honesty, efficiency, a sense of fairness and transparency are essential to reassure investors. It is a profession that has always been the subject of a great deal of attention on the stock market.

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