The Rugby Africa Silver Cup is composed of 6 teams with an annual relegation of the last team, replaced by the winner of the Rugby Africa Bronze Cup this year, Ghana.
But how to determine the winner? First, you should know that from 8 to 14 July 2018 will be played in total 6 matches of pool: A pool North and a pool South. The matches of the North pool will be played in Toulouse, France, between the delegations of Algeria, Côte d'Ivoire and Senegal; while the South Pool matches will be held in Mufulira, Zambia, where teams from Zambia, Botswana and Madagascar will compete for a place in the final.
It will take until August 25 to see the big winner of the tournament and therefore the participants in the Rugby Africa Gold Cup 2019. The place of the final will be determined according to the ranking at the end of the pool matches.
The six teams in the running prepare themselves and their coaches deliver us their Impressions as kickoff begins
Côte d'Ivoire is back in force after their slim loss to Morocco last year, determined to win their Gold Cup ticket. The Ivorian coach, Edgar Babou confides: " As we approach this tournament of the Silver Cup, we are entering the last weeks of the individual preparation of the players and the collective that will follow. Our players are impatient. The level of the Tournament will be very high. We expect to engage in an intense and thoughtful fight. Our determination will be flawless and at the height of the challenge.
The geographical location this year is double-edged. Far from African lands, we hope to see behind us and present in Toulouse, all the great Ivorian community present in France, as well as the former internationals ".
Another challenger of the competition, the Algerian delegation is certainly not an opponent to take lightly "We are very happy to be in Silver Cup with our Senegalese and Ivorian brothers. The North Hen is more difficult than the South Hen in my eyes so I think the winner of our pool will be the big winner of the Silver Cup. It's up to us Algerians to play our game well. Senegal is a country well prowled for this kind of competition, they have a great experience and Ivory Coast was a hair's breadth to qualify in the Gold Cup last year. We are our second competition at XV, we are moving slowly but surely and I am convinced that we will grow out of this tournament whatever happens " said Sofian Ben Hassen, President of the Algerian rugby federation. 19659002] Botswana vultures prepared in South Africa and look forward to the tournament "We had a preparatory game in South Africa recently, where we were part of the African Child's Celebrations, the day of the June 16th. The coaches had the opportunity to test new combinations and new players as they tried to put the new talents to the test with the more seasoned players. We look forward to seeing quality rugby and high level competitions, with the tournament well organized. We know very well that Zambia has been a good host in the past "Lesedi Keekae, current president of the Botswana Rugby Union, shared.
When to the host team, Zambia, the challenge is to 'more important' The team had a roller-coaster ride with few results in the Silver Cup, having played for the first time in 2015, relegated to Bronze in 2016, qualified in 2017. At the beginning of June, the team played a test match against Zimbabwe, which gave the technical bench time to assess the preparation of their players for the big game. To ensure sustainability in line with team preparations, the league will play this weekend the Mopani 15s National Rugby Tournament where coaches will make a final assessment of players prior to the Silver Cup matches. Our greatest expectation is to maintain our position in the Silver category and then move towards the Gold Cup. To this end, we call on all stakeholders to rally behind the team from kick-off to the last whistle and to ensure that morale is not compromised, "said the director of communications. The Zambian Federation, Tom Chaloba
The Zambian Federation will host this tournament at XV as host federation, and this challenge is far from frightening them "I would first of all like to thank the Zambian Federation that will host the tournament in South, and who until then has collaborated perfectly with Rugby Africa to deliver the tournament as professional as possible " acknowledged Abdelaziz Bougja, President of Rugby Africa.
The president of the African confederation insists by declaring "We are aware that the format of the tournament differs from last year, and the choice of venue for the North Pool matches raised questions from our fans in Africa. We still prefer matches on African soil, but this year for lack of volunteer organizing country and taking into account that many players from these three selections evolve in France, we relied on our partner the French Rugby Federation. I thank the President of the FFR and the Occitanie league for welcoming us to the land of ovality. We are deeply convinced that the local organizing team is doing an excellent job, and that the Ivorian, Algerian and Senegalese communities of France will be delighted to attend these international meetings ".
All matches of the Rugby Africa Silver Cup will be commented on our Facebook and Twitter pages in real time. From July 8th to 14th, the Rugby Africa Silver Cup promises a beautiful show with the multiple colors of Africa.
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