JUSTICE – To demand the satisfaction of its claims: The Sytjust envisages a collective cessation of work


A collective cessation of work is what the workers of justice consider to demand the satisfaction of their claims. In a statement, the Union of Justice Workers (Sytjust) regrets the fact that the instructions given by the Head of State at the hearing on April 5 were not respected. In the document, said union recalls that after having carried out several action plans, this hearing had been granted to them by the head of the State who had "expressed his total adherence to the satisfaction of the requests formulated by their plenipotentiaries". Trade unionists likewise point out that the President of the Republic had "promised to return within a week to ten days". More than 4 months later, they find that despite instructions given by the Head of State to the Minister of Justice, and his colleague delegate to the Minister of Economy, in charge of the Budget, so that everyone in the concerned fulfills "the conditions precedent to decision-making with a view to satisfying the grievances presented to it by the Sytjust", nothing concrete has been noted in the implementation. This, they regret, "despite the many sensitizations that Sytjust has conducted with the authorities." For them, "this state of affairs leaves the judicial workers with the option of an imminent collective termination of work by virtue of the strike notice they filed on October 22, 2017, to demand the satisfaction of their grievances. "
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