"Karim Wade and Khalifa Sall do not come to his ankle …"


" We never winked at Macky Sall ," said Abbass Cisse, a guest of Rfm morning on Tuesday. For the spokesperson of Psd / Jant-bi, what interests them are the concerns of the people. Considering himself a warning party, he took the opportunity to list the evils suffered by Senegal, not without revealing the candidacy of their leader in the next presidential elections. " A request of the people … " according to him

" Mamour Cissé will be a candidate … ", reveals the spokesman of the Psd / Jant-bi. He believes that it will be easy for them to obtain the required number of signatures, required by the sponsorship system " because it is the Senegalese people who demand that he be a candidate (…) Not a headache for to obtain 52,000 signatures . On two occasions, we were brought by the people to the National Assembly … ", he congratulated.

" Khalifa Sall and Karim Wade can not worry Mamour Cisse … ", He says of the uncertain candidacy of the latter to the next Presidential" for the good and simple reason that it is a man of value and no candidate reaches him ankle … "However , spokesman for Psd / Jant-bi laments the way Khalifa Sall was imprisoned.

" We will no longer accept that Macky Sall still remains at the helm of the country for five (5) years again. With all the misfortunes we experienced with him … ", he lists the lack of water that has plagued Dakar for some time, the case Karim Wade, the Khalifa Sall case, among others. 19659003] " I come back to the judgment of the ECOWAS Court of Justice, which found that Khalifa Sall's rights had been violated. And everyone knows that as soon as we talk about a violation, it is the cancellation of the lawsuits that should follow. After cancellation, his release was to follow. But today, we talk about his continued imprisonment, in defiance of all the conventions and charters we signed ", regrets Abbass Cisse, which calls for a resistance of all the Senegalese people to fight this injustice.

" Fi niou dieum ak Macky Sall dou ame ndokh. You wérna peng, guiss ngene ni tanyi amoul ndokh … 'That the Senegalese just wait six (6) months and after these six (6) months, everything will return to normal because someone else will be the head of the country to bring us the stability so much hoped for in the country … ", reassures Abbass Cissé.

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