"Karim Wade will be a candidate for the next presidential election, because he …", according to his lawyers


After the elimination of the registration of Karim Wade by the General Directorate of Elections on the electoral lists, the lawyers of the now former candidate of the Senegalese Democratic Party go on the offensive. Mr. Clédor Ciré Ly and his colleagues thus trigger the fight on the legal front to allow the candidate of the Senegalese Democratic Party to run for president on February 24, 2019.

The inscription of Mr. Karim Wade was effective and final at from 16 April 2018 and validated by the DECENA established in Kuwait, which did not make any of the objections provided by the electoral law or notified a rejection notice. But, on July 2, 2018, the Interior Ministry, Aly Ngouille Ndiaye by its central services, made public its decision of rejection of the inscription of Mr. Karim Wade of the electoral lists for the presidential election of February 24, 2019

For the lawyers of Wade-fils, the cancellation of their client from the electoral lists decided by the Ministry of the Interior is "manifestly arbitrary, illegal and contrary to the electoral law" . "The Ministry of the Interior also had no jurisdiction to proceed with such dismissal or" disguised "removal of the registration of Mr. Karim WADE, its jurisdiction being limited to the sole case of a voter who "is made to register several times" specifies Me Clédor Ciré Ly citing the article L. 324 of the Law n ° 2017-12 of January 18th, 2017 bearing Electoral Code.

Me Seydou Diagne returned on the electoral provisions with Article L 31 which enumerates ineligibility cases such as fines, imprisonment and confiscation.

According to the black dress, the Court of Repression for Illicit Enrichment (CREI) ruled on the requests Opponents (Ndlr the party in power) who wanted these penalties are applied to their client.

For Diagne, these political opponents had asked for more than the prison sentence. "The special prosecutor would have demanded the loss of civil rights of Karim Wade but CREI refused to approve the ineligibility of our client" he remembers.

Lawyers remain optimistic and believe that the candidate of the PDS will indeed be candidate for the next presidential while asking the Senegalese administration to remain neutral in this file.

And to Me Clédor Ciré Ly of the college of lawyers to conclude with this message of their client : "Mr. Karim Wade informs national and international public opinion that he will be uncompromising and uncompromising in defending his civil and political rights, the intangibility of which is guaranteed by the Constitution and the various international legal instruments ratified by Senegal. "

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